What is a Linked List? A linked list is a series of nodes linked together in a linear sequence. Linked lists are a null-terminated data structure,
Arrays Data Structure Guide
What is an Array? An array is a data structure that contains a group of equally-sized elements, organized sequentially in a contiguous area of
Binary Heap Data Structure Guide
What is a Binary Heap? A binary heap is a complete binary tree, where the root is either the minimum value (min-heap) or the maximum value
Graphs Data Structure Guide
What is a Graph? A graph is an ordered set of paired vertices and a set of edges, used to create an interconnected network. Edges can be directed
Stacks, Queues and Deques Data Structure Guide
What are Stacks and Queues? Stacks and queues are linear data structures that only usually support push, pop, and peek operations, with no random
Python Sets | Expert Guide with Code Samples
What is a Python Set? A Python set is an unordered and unindexed collection of comma-separated values, enclosed in curly brackets {}. Sets can
Python Tuples | Expert Guide with Code Samples
What is a Tuple in Python? A tuple is one of Python's sequence data types, containing a comma separated list of values, often enclosed in
Python Lists | Expert Guide with Code Samples
What is a Python List? A Python list is an ordered and changeable collection that allows duplicate members. List items can be different data types,
Python Dictionaries | Expert Guide with Code Samples
What is a Python dictionary? A dictionary is an associative array, containing a collection of keys and their associated values. Python