What Are Python Operators?
Python operators are special symbols that are used to manipulate the value of operands, using arithmetic or logical computation. For example, in the expression 1 + 2 = 3, +
is the operator, with 1 and 2 being the operands.
This guide walks you through the syntax and purpose of each python operator in detail, with clear, commented code samples.
The following types of operators are included:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Identity Operators
- Logical Operators
- Membership Operators
We’ve also added a quick guide to Python operator precedence, in case you need to chain together multiple operators in a single statement.
Python Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators can be used to perform mathematical calculations, such as addition and subtraction, with numeric values.
Operator | Name | Description | Example |
+ | Addition | Add right operand to left operand. | 1 + 2 (3) |
- | Subtraction | Subtract right operand from left operand. | 4 - 2 (2) |
* | Multiplication | Multiply left operand by right operand. | 3 * 3 (9) |
/ | Division | Divide left operand by right operand. | 12 / 4 (3) |
% | Modulus | Divide left operand by right operand. Return remainder. | 6 % 2 (0) |
** | Exponentiation | Exponential (power) calculation. Left operand to power of right operand. | 2 ** 3 (8) |
// | Floor Division | Floor division of the left operand by right operand. | 5 // 2 (2) |
Example of Arithmetic Operators
# Create variables and assign values using assignment operator '=' x = 10 y = 3 # Addition print('x + y =', x + y) # Subtraction print('x - y =', x - y) # Multiplication print('x * y =', x * y) # Division print('x / y =', x / y) # Floor Division print('x // y =', x // y) # Modulus print('x % y =', x % y) # Exponentiation print('x ** y =', x ** y)
x + y = 13
x - y = 7
x * y = 30
x / y = 3.3333333333333335
x // y = 3
x % y = 1
x ** y = 1000
Python Assignment Operators
Python uses assignment operators to assign values to variables, such as x = 1
. This also includes compound operators, such as +=
With compound operators, the operation is performed on the variable, then the variable is assigned the new value. E.g. a += 1
is equivalent to a = a + 1
For all compound operators, the equals sign is always on the right of the operator. E.g. +=
, *=
Operator | Description | Example | Same As |
= | Simple assignment. | x = 4 | x = 4 |
+= | Add left and right operand values. | x += 4 | x = x + 4 |
-= | Subtract right operand from left operand. | x -= 4 | x = x - 4 |
*= | Multiply right operand by left operand. | x *= 4 | x = x * 4 |
/= | Divide left operand by right operand. | x /= 4 | x = x / 4 |
%= | Modulus of left operand to right operand. | x %= 4 | x = x % 4 |
**= | Power calculation for right operand to left operand. | x **= 4 | x = x ** 4 |
//= | Floor division of right operand by left operand. | x //= 4 | x = x // 4 |
&= | In-place bitwise and | x &= 4 | x = x & 4 |
|= | In-place bitwise or | x |= 4 | x = x | 4 |
^= | In-place bitwise xor | x ^= 4 | x = x ^ 4 |
>>= | In-place right shift | x >>= 4 | x = x >> 4 |
<<= | In-place left shift | x <<= 4 | x = x << 4 |
In each of the above cases, the resulting value is assigned to the left operand.
Python Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators handle operands as if they were in binary form, and operates bit by bit. E.g. 10 is 0000 1010
in binary.
Operator | Name | Description |
& | AND | Set each bit to 1 if both bits 1 |
| | OR | Set each bit to 1 if at least one of two bits is 1 |
^ | XOR | Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1 |
~ | NOT | Invert the bits |
<< | Bitwise left shift | (1) |
>> | Bitwise right shift | (2) |
Example of Bitwise Operators
# Create variables and assign values x = 10 # 0000 1010 in binary y = 7 # 0000 0111 in binary # Bitwise AND print('x & y =', x & y) # Expecting 2 (0000 0010) # Bitwise OR print('x | y =', x | y) # Expecting 15 (0000 1111) # Bitwise XOR print('x ^ y =', x ^ y) # Expecting 13 (0000 1101) # Bitwise NOT print('~ x =', ~ x) # Expecting -11 (1111 0101) # Bitwise left shift print('x << 2 =', x << 2) # Expecting 40 (0010 1000) # Bitwise right shift print('x >> 2 =', x >> 2) # Expecting 2 (0000 0010)
x & y = 2
x | y = 15
x ^ y = 13
~ x = -11
x << 2 = 40
x >> 2 = 2
Python Comparison Operators
Eight comparison operations are available in python, which are also known as relational operators.
Evaluated left to right, if at any point the condition is found to be false, the evaluation will not continue for additional comparisons.
You can also chain multiple comparison operators together in a single expression, which can yield better performance than two separate comparison operations. For example, a < b <= c
is more efficient than a < b and b <= c
, as b is only evaluated once.
Operator | Name | Example |
< | Strictly less than. | 1 < 2 (True) |
<= | Less than or equal. | 2 <= 2 (True) |
> | Strictly greater than. | 4 > 2 (True) |
>= | Greater than or equal. | 5 >= 2 (True) |
== | Equal. | 4 == 3 (False) |
!= | Not equal. | 4 != 3 (True) |
<> | Not equal. | 4 <> 3 (True) |
Example of Comparison Operators
# Create variables and assign values x = 10 y = 3 # Greater Than print('x > y =', x > y) # Expecting True # Less Than print('x < y =', x < y) # Expecting False # Equal To print('x == y =', x == y) # Expecting False # Not Equal To print('x != y =', x != y) # Expecting True # Greater Than or Equal To print('x >= y =', x >= y) # Expecting True # Less Than or Equal To print('x <= y =', x <= y) # Expecting False
x > y = True
x < y = False
x == y = False
x != y = True
x >= y = True
x <= y = False
Python Identity Operators
The two identity operators used in Python are is
and is not
. They return whether or not two objects are the same object in memory.
Operator | Description | Example |
is | If two variables are the same object, return True. | a = [1,2,3] b = a a is b (True) |
is not | If variables are not the same object, return True. Otherwise False. | a = [1,2,3] b = [1,2,3] a is not b (True) |
Strings that are equal in value, are located in the same place in memory. The same is true of integers. Lists are located separately in memory, even if they contain the same collection of values.
Example of Python Identity Operators
# Create variables and assign values x1 = 3 y1 = 3 x2 = "TestString" y2 = "TestString" x3 = ["val1","val2","val3", 1, 2] y3 = ["val1","val2","val3", 1, 2] # 'is' returning True print('x1 is y1 =', x1 is y1) print('x2 is y2 =', x2 is y2) # 'is' returning False print('x3 is y3 =', x3 is y3) # 'is not' returning True print('x3 is not y3 =', x3 is not y3) # 'is not' returning False print('x1 is not y1 =', x1 is not y1) print('x2 is not y2 =', x2 is not y2)
x1 is y1 = True
x2 is y2 = True
x3 is y3 = False
x3 is not y3 = True
x1 is not y1 = False
x2 is not y2 = False
Python Logical Operators
Logical operators allow multiple conditional statements to be evaluated in a single expression.
Operator | Description | Example |
and | If both statements are true, return True. | 2 < 5 and 5 < 10 (True) |
or | If one of the statements is true, return True. | 2 < 5 or 5 < 2 (True) |
not | Returns the opposite of what the above two operators would return. | not(2 < 5 and 5 < 10) (False) |
With the and
operator, if a conditional statement returns False
, python will not evaluate future conditional statements in the expression. Likewise, with the or
operator, if a conditional statement returns True
, python will not evaluate future conditional statements in the expression.
5 < 1 and 3 == 3
. Python will never evaluate the second conditional statement (3 == 3), because the first conditional statement returned false.
5 > 1 or 3 == 3
. Python will never evaluate the second conditional statement (3 == 3), because the first conditional statement returned true.
Example of Logical Operators
# Create variables and assign values x = True y = False # 'and' operator, returning True print('x and x is', x and x) # 'and' operator, returning False print('x and y is', x and y) # 'or' operator, returning True print('x or y is', x or y) # 'or' operator, returning False print('y or y is', y or y) # 'not' operator, returning True print('not y is', not y) # 'not' operator, returning False print('not x is', not x)
x and x is True
x and y is False
x or y is True
y or y is False
not y is True
not x is False
Python Membership Operators
Python has two membership operators: in
and not in
. These operators test for membership of a sequence in an object, such as checking if string 'a' appears in the string sequence 'apple'.
Sequences where membership operators can be used are: lists, sets, strings, tuples and dictionaries (key presence only).
Operator | Description | Example |
in | If specified value is found in the sequence, return True. Otherwise, returns False. | a = 'a' b = 'apple' print(a in b) This example returns a 1, as 'a' appears in 'apple'. |
not in | If specified value is not found in the sequence, return True. Otherwise, returns False. | a = 'x' b = 'apple' print(a not in b) This example returns a 1, as 'x' does not appear in 'apple'. |
Example of Membership Operators
# Create variables and assign values x = "This is a test string" y = {1:"x",2:"y"} # Create dictionary # 'in' operator, returning True print('"test" in x =', "test" in x) print('"r" in x =', "r" in x) print('1 in y =', 1 in y) # Test presence of value in dictionary keys # 'in' operator, returning False print('"this" in x =', "this" in x) # Fails due to Python being case sensitive print('"q" in x =', "q" in x) print('3 in y =', 3 in y) # Test presence of value in dictionary keys # 'not in' operator, returning True print('"failed" not in x =', "failed" not in x) print('"q" not in x =', "q" not in x) print('3 not in y =', 3 not in y) # Test presence of value in dictionary keys # 'not in' operator, returning False print('"test" not in x =', "test" not in x) print('"r" not in x =', "r" not in x) print('1 not in y =', 1 not in y) # Test presence of value in dictionary keys
"test" in x = True
"r" in x = True
1 in y = True
"this" in x = False
"q" in x = False
3 in y = False
"failed" not in x = True
"q" not in x = True
3 not in y = True
"test" not in x = False
"r" not in x = False
1 not in y = False
Python Operator Precedence
Operators are evaluated in order of precedence. It's important to remember this order, particularly when chaining together multiple operators in a single expression, if you want to be confident of the output.
Precedence | Operator | Description |
1 | ** | Exponentiation |
2 | ~ , + , - | Complement, unary plus and minus |
3 | * , / , % , // | Multiply, divide, modulo and floor division |
4 | + , - | Addition and subtraction |
5 | >> , << | Right and left bitwise shift |
6 | & | Bitwise 'AND' |
7 | ^ , | | Bitwise exclusive 'OR' and regular 'OR' |
8 | <= , <> , >= | Comparison operators |
9 | <> , == , != | Equality operators |
10 | = , %= , /= , //= , -= , += , *= , **= | Assignment operators |
11 | is , is not | Identity operators |
12 | in , not in | Membership operators |
13 | not , or , and | Logical operators |